Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Model: A Comparative Analysis

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Some theories have been postulated to address the various stages that are involved in child development. Two of these theories include the evolutionary perspective and the Bronfenbrenner 's ecological model. Bronfenbrenner 's ecological model discusses the significance of the whole ecological system that surrounds a child during development. Such systems consist of various subsystems that help and enhance the growth of children. On the other hand, the evolutionary perspective states that the mind of human beings are predominantly composed of highly specialized systems that are designed with special features to solve certain issues, the theory further postulates that the problems are consistent and some have confronted ancestors and digs deeper into the lineage. This paper seeks to compare these two theories. Bronfenbrenner 's Ecological Model As aforementioned, the Bronfenbrenner 's ecological model puts great emphasis on the individual’s ecological system on a basis for understanding their development. It sees …show more content…

For example, the evolutionary perspective acknowledges the importance of the environment in shaping the child during the development process. Both perspectives acknowledge this argument in that it proposes that the environment shapes the human’s mind and how certain problems are solved. The ecological model has biological factors as a subsystem that influences the development of a child (Buss, 2015). On the other hand, evolutionary perspective narrows its emphasis to the biological component and how it transforms with the factor time. The genetic and the environmental mechanisms underline the development of social competencies in a child. Bronfenbrenner 's model also put into consideration the effects of time as an important component in which people tend to change as well as the environment. Time is also known as the chronosystem in his