Book Report On Night By Elie Wiesel

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The book Night is about a twelve-year-old boy that grew up in Transylvania which is a small town. Elie studied Talmud but he wanted to learn Kabbalah. His father found out that the Nazi got control over Hungary. The Nazi’s started to evacuate the Jews out of Transylvania, and started loading them all into the cattle cars. When the cattle car started moving it wasn’t too long until Madame Schachter stated screaming of a fire. Once they arrive at Birkenau all of them saw smoke rising up from the chimneys. Later on Elie hurt his foot and had to go to the infirmary, but he had heard that the Russians were approaching. Since this happened The Nazi’s had to evacuated the camp. They were loaded onto cattle cars to go to Buchenwald, Elie’s father