Book Reports On Lord Of The Flies

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The Lord of the Flies is a book about a British plane that is shot down on a deserted island and the story is about this group of boys who try to survive and turn against each other. We learn that a fair-haired boy named Ralph, who is 12 years old, makes his way out of the jungle and towards a lagoon, he meets a fat boy with very thick glasses named "Piggy". They discuss that "holy smokes", or the plane that had crashed, The fat boy wonders where the man with the megaphone is. There are no grown ups around. they can't find the plane or the pilot. Ralph concludes that both must have been dragged out to sea by a storm. He says that there must have been some kids still in the plane as it crashed. Ralph and piggy travel the forest and come up …show more content…

They claimed that the water was as warm as their blood. Ralph tells that his dad is in the navy and they will come and rescue them. Piggy said that right before the plane crash the pilot had told them all that an atomic bomb had exploded and everyone was dead. Piggy then said that no one is coming to get them and they may stay there till they die. All of a sudden Ralph noticed something in the reef, it was a shell; but not just any shell, a conch shell. Piggy had the idea that if they used the shell to maybe call for others, if there were others. Ralph makes several efforts before an uplifting sound came out of the shell. Soon other boys came out of the woods. They were of the same age or younger and they were also naked too. While Ralph kept blowing the conch, Piggy tired to learn everyone's name who was there, as of then there were Johnny and a pair of twins named Eric and Sam. After Ralph blew the conch time after time more boys kept coming. We learn the rest of the cast, Maurice, who smiles a lot, Jack Merridew, one of the main choir boys, Roger, who is small and sly and doesn't want attention, Simon, who often faints and then there is Bill, Robert, Harold, and Henry. Jack declared that they should have chief and everyone