Breaking Through Gridlock Model: A Case Study

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The Breaking through Gridlock model was fantastic for approaching a particularly difficult conversation with my friend. Prior to the conversation, I notified her of my intentions of approaching her with this new method of discussion. Thus, we both braced ourselves to go down this road once again. By the end, I was rather surprised with the results. The Breaking through Gridlock method introduced a new way of opening up to my friend, which in turn provided her with a chance to express her side as well. The conversation began with introducing the stuck conversation. We have both been aware of the conversation and have avoided discussing it due to frustration and sadness on both sides of the issue at hand. This issue was our relationship as it stands currently as well as the possible future implications of being for or against the essence of it developing. Once the conversation was introduced I discussed my old ways of being when addressing our relationship. Ever since I recognized my old ways of being in previous discussions of this model, I’ve been repeatedly mentioning these faults to my friend. Thus, recognizing these faults came with universal agreement between the both of us. At this point in the conversation my friend had …show more content…

The No Impact Man fell for a bait that interfered with the future that he sought out. This bait was what we referred to as the, “Lone wolf,” bait. This man enjoyed partaking on this experience alone, which was keeping him within his old ways of being. Someone within this man’s life, or he himself could have partaken in a Breaking through Gridlock conversation to discuss the problems he’s facing with his old ways of being and bait. From this, the man could focus more on the future that he wanted to see in the world, rather than being fixated on his individual