
Brief Explanation Of Group Counseling

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Firstly I would like to start off this essay with a brief explanation of what group counseling is about, group counseling is where members come together as a group using different therapy approaches where leader interact with members to identify maladaptive behavior and how to change them (www.counseling.iastate.edu/counseling/group-counseling). There are also different types of groups such as educational groups, growth groups, task group, counseling groups, therapy groups, support groups and many more. In each of this groups there would always be a group leader an example is task group so basically the leader of the task group is to facilitate the group and to build the culture of the group also, when it comes to talking about groups we cannot …show more content…

In the following paragraphs in sequential order first I would be choosing one theory or approach to give a brief explanation about it. Secondly i would be pointing out the benefits and comparing of both individual and group counseling using the approach that I have chosen and thirdly I would like to evaluate the approach that I have chosen, lastly it would the conclusion of the whole essay and choosing to take stand between individual counseling and group counseling. The approach that I have chosen is person centered therapy or client centered therapy, here is a brief explanation about pct individual therapy, person centered therapy is develop by carl roger’s and this therapy which it’s called the talk therapy, he beliefs that human tend to have a positive nature through his many years of experiences he implied that clients have the ability to improve …show more content…

Being in a group allows member to interact with one another rather than being trapped in a one to one session with a counselor, this also allows the leader to better observe members who have difficulty to interact with other members socially, members also may be influences by other member to speak up and share more on their problem as some other members might be facing the same situation as other member and this can motivate other members to change as well as to see thing from different point of view members could also give their feedback to one another (http://therapy.org/group.html). As so to imply it in person centered group therapy this helps the counselor to understand each member through observing members interacting with one another compared to individual counseling where the interaction is only between the counselor and the client. On the other hand the benefits of individual counseling or personal therapy is that it help client to increase self- awareness it also helps to intensify the therapist professionalism in being more effective thus this help to therapist to better deal with their own issues

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