Brief Overview Of Theodore Roosevelt's Autobiography

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Theodore Roosevelt was born into a wealthy family. Theodore Roosevelt, also known as “Teddy” was born in New York on October 27, 1858. Roosevelt was born into a Dutch family culture that had settled in America in the 17th Century. As a teenager, Roosevelt followed a program of gymnastics and weightlifting to build up his strength because he was a frail and sickly as a boy (“Theodore Roosevelt”, 2009). At 18 years of age, Roosevelt entered Harvard College, spent 4 years there then graduated in 1880.

Theodore had a huge family. Theodores mother's name was Martha Roosevelt and his father was Theodore Roosevelt the first. Theodore had two sisters named Bamie and Corinne Roosevelt and a brother named Elliott Roosevelt. Theodore also had two wives, he had a daughter named Alice Roosevelt with his first wife Alice Roosevelt and four sons named Kermit, Quentin, Theodore, and Archibald Roosevelt and another daughter …show more content…

Roosevelt began the first of the three political terms in the New York State Assembly in 1882 (“Theodore Roosevelt- Autobiography”, 1985). He retired in 1884 and became the leader of the Republican Party’s reformist wing. In February 1884, Roosevelt retired from Congress to a ranch in the American West to study history, completing books on the American senator. Roosevelt is also starting writing his major work, the four-volume Winning of the West (“Theodore Roosevelt- Autobiography”, 1985).

Roosevelt was a former member of the Civil Service Commission. This office, Roosevelt retained until 1895 when he undertook the direction of the Police Department of New York City. In 1897 he joined President McKinley’s administration as assistant secretary of the Navy. While in the office, he actively prepared for the Cuban War in 1898. He went to Cuba as a lieutenant colonel of a regiment of Volunteer Cavalry. He won great fame as the leader of these rough riders, which he said in one of his books (“Theodore Roosevelt- Biographical”,