Brown V Board Of Education Essay

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Brown v. the Board of Education was a monumental court case, as it dealt with segregation back in the 1950’s. During this time, a lot was going on between the white and black communities, they were fighting for a change. Jim Crow laws were being passed which caused for segregation which then lead to the NAACP (National association for the advancement of colored people) being founded. This organization had one common goal; fight for the rights of African Americans and protect them from lynching as well as racist whites. Brown v. the Board of Education over turned the ruling of Plessy v. Ferguson, this was a great time for the black community. The white community was finally going to except that blacks were just as equal as them and deserved …show more content…

Brown II was what they called the cause on how the courts would desegregate the schools, it was responsible for getting the process underway. In 1955 after Brown v. the Board of Education, the federal judges would hold more than 200 school desegregation hearings. The whites finally accepted the right that the black community always had and allowed desegregation to take place. There were fights and riots in many southern states who tried to protest desegregation but finally gave in. It took ten years for desegregation to take place. My stance on this is I feel it was fair and correct to give the black community their basic right of equality, they were working people just like everyone else and just wanted the same facilities that would give their children the same opportunities and fair education as the whites. With the over ruling of Plessy v. Ferguson it not only got rid of separate but equal in schools but it also began to change how whites and blacks interacted. The over ruling of Plessy v. Ferguson would lead to desegregation in almost every aspect of life, this was a great and brave decision of the courts and we are grateful for that every