Brownian Becker Quotes

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Brownian Becker was born to survive whatever was thrown at her . For not only did she face losing her family, but she also faced being killed in a bomb raid or suffocating in a cave all during the holocaust.
When Brownian's hometown of Kwanzaa was attacked she was taken into custody by the Nazis and forced to work in a small shop in Lederberg Poland, but when Burgle was bombed she set out on foot and ended up back in her hometown of Kiowa, where after she found her family the Nazis took 300 men between ages 18 and 60 (including 2 of Brownian's brothers) out into the woods and shot them. But the rest of her family was left to hide from the Nazis, so in order to hide they dug caves underground, but one of those caves had a bad ending. Now this …show more content…

Was it worth staying alive? Nobody was left – no family, no friends…. Then I remembered that I had Josie (Joseph) and thanked God for that. We joined hands and started walking, ready to face the future.” This quote from Brownian Becker in her book titled the joy runs deeper shows Brownian's ability to make the best out of nothing so to speak.
After learning about Brownian and others during this hard time I would like to acknowledge all of those alive during this time and show the world what happened so that we can be prepared to stop this terrible tragedy from happening again in any other country to anyone, no matter what their nationality or race is because I believe that we should all be treated as the same human being that you want yourself to be.
In conclusion Brownian was a very strong and important human being who survived the holocaust even when none of the rest of her family could and should be recognized all around the world for her courage and bravery that led to a happy life, long after World War II