Bruce Livesay Case Study

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Bruce Livesay Clarksville City Council Ward 9 Unknown Bruce Livesay has not held any other political offices. Education When it comes to the current state of the education system Clarksville City Council Ward 9 Candidate Bruce Livesay believes the system is broken. He thinks that the best way to fix this problem is by getting back to the basics in education and by allowing the teachers to do their jobs. Public Safety/Crime Candidate Bruce Livesay has concluded that the best way to help with local crime rates is by making sure the police department is properly manned and that the officers are properly trained. He feels that this solution should be a number one priority when it comes to trying to solve this issue. Public Transportation Public transportation in the Clarksville area has become a big problem within the community. Candidate Bruce Livesay wants to promote teamwork in order to solve this issue. Since a lot of the roads within Ward 9 are state roads according to Candidate Bruce Livesay, he has determined that members of the community need to go to the state in a unified form in order to get this issue moved up on the states priority list. Property Taxes In the eyes of Candidate Bruce Livesay property taxes are seen as a last resort. He …show more content…

He has even been attending city council meetings since 1999. Because of his attendance he has seen situations arise where he does not believe the people were represented properly. Candidate Bruce Livesay if elected intends to be the voice of the people. He wants the citizens of this community and their needs to be the number one priority. He wants to open the lines of communication with as many people as possible but more specifically within his ward. Candidate Bruce Livesay basis his platform entirely off of the concerns of those within his ward and wants his platform to not be seen as his own but to be seen as the people’s

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