Buddhism And What Is The 8 Fold Path

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The similarities of all religious groups are speculation, sacred texts, rituals, ethics, authority figure(s), and the security of being part of a larger group.

2. With which religion are you the most familiar?

I am most familiar with Christianity.

3. How many people (estimated) study each of the religions:
a. Christianity: Over 1/3 of the world’s population.
b. Islam: 1.6 billion worldwide.
c. Judaism: Less than 0.22 percent worldwide.
d. Confucianism: 0.09 percent worldwide.
e. Buddhism: 6 percent worldwide.
f. Hinduism: Almost a billion followers.

4. Name the two sects of Muslims. Which is the majority sect?

Sunni and Shia. Sunni is the majority sect.

5. Name the great writings for each of these religions.
a. Christianity: …show more content…

Confucianism: Confucius.
Buddhism: Buddha.
Hinduism: Brahma.

7. Name the five pillars of Islam.
Repetition of Creed, prayer 5 times a day, almsgiving, fasting, and a pilgrimage to Mecca - once in a lifetime.

8. What is the ultimate goal in Buddhism?

The ultimate goal in Buddhism is to become liberated from the cycle of death and rebirth.

9. What are the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism and what is the 8 Fold Path?

The Four Noble Truths of Buddhism are; life is suffering, suffering is caused by craving and aversion, suffering can be overcome, and true happiness attained, and the noble eight Fold Path leads to the end of all suffering.
The 8 Fold Path are rules that are taught. They include the right understanding, right thoughts, right speech, right actions, to deal with right livelihood, to give a right effort, to have a right mindfulness, and to use the right meditation.

10. Describe the difference between Buddhism and Hinduism. Be very specific.

Buddhism arose out of Hinduism as a direct result of the influence of Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha or “Enlightened One; the religious worldview of the Buddhist is very similar to the Hindu worldview, but it is important to recognize that Buddhism is very much distinct from …show more content…

Describe the difference between Judaism and Christianity. Be very specific about commonalties and differences.

Christianity teaches that Jesus was God in the flesh, but Judaism does not believe that Jesus was God. Christianity believes Jesus is the Messiah, however Judaists do not believe that.
Judaism and Christianity are both semitic religions. Both religions study the Bible. The Christian Bible has 27 extra books that include Jesus and spread of Christianity.Christians call parts of Bible New Testament and Old Testament whereas Jews call books Hebrew Testament and Greek Testament and refer to the language books written in.

12. What are the rules about eating for