Burning Question Event Analysis

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The Burning Question Event took place at the DUC Theater in UWSP. In front, there is a stand for the moderator and next to it there are six chairs for the six panels that are going to share their personal experience of diversity. This event is about diversity and lets the audiences asked questions that they concern about diversity. The event introduction starts with the moderator giving a brief speech of what the event is going to be about, why they have this event and diversity that happens in UWSP. Then, he asked the six panel to define or what they think diversity is. Each of the six panels has their own definition of diversity. For example, one of the six panels define diversity as being different from each other, and how we treat each …show more content…

They define racism as something that we create. Racism doesn’t just start out of nowhere, we are the one that created racism. For example like segregation between the blacks and whites. Stating that, they said prejudice is toward someone based on their ethnicity. While turning attention to what they think about feminism, they also think similar to racism. Feminism is not about hating or taking power over man. All lives matter out there. Another question was asked about the lack of leadership positions in UWSP. There’s a lack of leadership positions in UWSP because it’s difficult. It’s difficult for students because they are focusing on other things, such as working and studying. One of the six panels stated that if taking a leadership position, you are taking the risk against hate. However, leadership positions have grown slowly over the past years. The event doesn’t have any research with it because it is about their personal experiences and what they think about diversity in the society. This event was meant to be there to help UWSP students to get or know what kind of diversity are happening in UWSP and around