Bush And Folger's Empowerment Theory, And Trust Building Theory

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The literature that brought forth strong paradigms and revealed certain conflict resolution practices that may best represent the subject of TAY, with the goal of understanding which processes may help them advance toward empowerment-based qualities in deciphering their personal issues and challenges, is a logical and effective idea. It was viewed that—when used per theory—empowerment qualities potentially can break stagnancy of resistance, help move past negative emotional detachments, and ultimately lead toward achieving goals. The following best practices serve as the base for this portfolio: Empowerment Theory, Communication Skills Theory, and Trust Building Theory.
The descriptions of Empowerment Theory are a core feature of Bush and Folger’s (2005) theory on conflict transformation and include some clear references that it is simply a return of value and strength and own ability to handle decisions and life’s problem on their own terms (p. 22). They emphasized that facilitators focus on empowering the participants to come up with their own issues, determine the outcome for themselves, thus, allowing them leeway to seek out other’s perspectives, and that this is …show more content…

111); Kressel (2006); Kraus & Morsella (2006); Carpenter & Kennedy (1988); Gibb (1961); Littlejohn & Domenici (2007); Raider, Coleman, & Gerson (2006), add that this theory is helpful to understand communication behaviors. In other words, communication behaviors imply discerning when individuals are attacking, being evasive, informing, being open, or attempting to unify. Such is necessary when approaching and effectuating resolving issues within one’s past, present, and future interaction with others (p.