
CIS 111 Reflection

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Throughout this semester in CIS 111 section 016 I have managed to learn a lot from the major assignments, blogs, papers, video blogs, presentations and speeches I have given as well as the ones I have been able to see that were given by my classmates and even the ones I participated in with the multiple group I was assigned. I have learned the importance of body language and small things like verbal pauses, certain movements and gestures while speaking. I have also developed knowledge on the importance of being able to exercise your opinion and being able to convey this is small groups as well as to entire classes. I’ve also managed to discover some of the essential things needed to make my college career go as smooth as possible as far as …show more content…

Although these two sayings are seen as cliches in reality, there is so much truth to these common sayings. Before CIS 111 I knew that there was some truth to both of these sayings but hated hearing them. After giving the the “I Believe” speech I realized these saying are more than true, they dictate your life to a certain extent. Living by these two sayings alone can get you through a lot of different problem in life, school, work or any situation when you have to communicate with someone. These sayings will not only get you through problems, but help avoid problems that stem from flaws in communication in the first place. During “I Believe” speech I was also taught the importance of being able to let your personality show in your presentations. For the most part I’ve always found myself able to recite and say facts on the drop a dime but lack personality. The “I Believe” speech was my first time really trying to stress my personality in a speech or presentation for educational reasons. Although my speech was only average it was good jump at public speaking that is opinion based. This is especially helpful as I plan to go into the marketing/advertising field which is industry that is ran based off of opinions and how they can be can be translated to the point where they are visually and verbally …show more content…

I have had a chance to exercise a majority of the skills needed to be successful throughout college as well through the assignments given to us throughout the semester. The speeches have improved my presentation skills, the blogs have improved my writing and the video blogs and group introduction video have taught me how to talk on camera and not be or look distracted or uninterested. The papers that were written this year have improved my writing skills, grammar skills and have all around have made my writing more clear and pleasurable to read, I have also learned how to communicate better on a general level as well as in different situations. My analysis skills have been strengthened thanks to the “Ad Gone Bad” paper. The “Ad Gone Bad” project taught me a lot about appropriateness, this ability was recycled when doing the “National/International Issue” paper as well as the

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