CLSSBB, Certified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Exam

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CLSSBB, Certified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt (CLSSBB) exam is one of the most significant exam under which applicants are validated on a hundred and fifty questions out of which they have to attain a hundred and twelve or more to pass the exam that means they have to get at least seventy five percent, applicants will be given the time of a hundred and twenty minutes to pass the exam within which the applicants will not be allowed to use any external resources. The candidates will have to carry their identification proof during the exam.

CLSSBB, Certified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt (CLSSBB) exam topics that are under consideration are as follows:
Number one section is called Organizational Roadblocks and Lean Management which includes Organizational roadblock, Resistance Analysis, Overview of all Continuous Improvement approaches, Overview of Lean, Overview of Six Sigma, Lean Management TAKT time and Lean Tools 5S, Kaizen, SMED an Heijunka.

The second section of CLSSBB, Certified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt (CLSSBB) is called Pre-define DMAIC and Define included which are the DMAIC versus DFSS, Pre-define Pre-requisites and Qualifications, Project Prioritization Matrix, Introduction to Enterprise Wide view versus LOB view, NPV and IRR, Champion's Tree, Kano Model, Quality Function Deployment, Baseline performance of Y,

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