CSA: The Glamorized Victims Of Human Trafficking

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(WHO, 2004) states that CSA is silent health emergency that goes undetected. It is extremely under-reported and poorly managed. Most CSA incidents are perpetrated within the confines of a home by someone known and trusted by the victim. This is the main reason why CSA is shrouded in secrecy. It is estimated that approximately 30% are related to the victim, for example, fathers, brothers and uncles while strangers make up 10% (Whelan, 2007)( look up in Alokan & Bosede, 2012) strangers accounted for only 7% of all reported incidents. (Rape Crisis Network Ireland, 2012) Studies suggest that majority of CSA is committed by men with 14% comprising women. Since 2009, there have been 82 children identified as alleged victims of human trafficking

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