Caesarea Philippi's Crucifixion

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As acknowledged the area of Caesarea Philippi swarmed with pagan temples and was legendary for idolatry; where the cult of Pan/Satan thrived in a territory that was overflowing with pagan factions and was like the ‘red-light’ district of the adjacent area. It was said that generally Jewish people stayed clear of this area due to its reputation. Therefore, it is quite fascinating why just one week or so before Jesus Christ final journey to Jerusalem to undergo His crucifixion, Jesus takes His disciples to this pagan locality that would have taken 2 days walking (32 + miles). Due to the fact that this area was well-established with paganism, the reason Jesus traveled to such an undesirable region certainly must have been extremely important …show more content…

Folks can only speculate why Jesus continued to stay near Caesarea Philippi for so long in such a satanic region, unless Jesus could have been doing direct warfare with Satan/Pan and undertaking events that was preparing him for the ‘spiritual warfare’ of all time; His Crucifixion and Resurrection. An incredibility powerful time! The importance of this event in Caesarea Philippi is monumental and a heroic episode of how Jesus Christ directly challenged the ‘sexual lust’ of Satan that had been created since the foundation of this world. Again, this confrontation in the Gospels, could demonstrate how our Divine God sent His son to compellingly claim back humanity’s truth concerning our blissful sexual presence with God and to reveal how holy and sacred people’s sexual essence …show more content…

Notably, this decree is in addition to believing on Him, for He decidedly separates the two announcements. My point being, as Paul said, we become new creatures, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” (2 Col 5:17). This declaration can be understandable, when we recognize how this world is full of ignorant creatures; which can be directed by an unseen force of aggression at any time. (John 8:44). By becoming born again of Christ’s spirit, people are delivered from Satan’s beastly lies concerning this life into the divine spirit of God’s Eternal Truths. Only the “infilling of the LORD’S Holy Spirit” can sustain any of us; by being born into Christ consciousness that becomes one’s haven of strength and protection. If we compare our worldly society before and after Jesus’ presence on earth, there is a remarkable transformation of humanity’s consciousness forward; an obvious major ‘spiritual’ evolution and sexual revolution for Christian believers and a betterment of the world to come. Jesus Christ’s appearance into Satan’s wicked terrain produced a light that caught fire, spreading God’s eternal love forever; among many things,