Carapace Clavicle Moundshroud Analysis

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I think Carapace Clavicle Moundshroud is a one of those teachers that just gets on your nerves while he’s trying to teach because he is so blunt with his teaching whenever you ask him a question he gives you discrepant answer, and he leads you into a completely different direction, and the whole time you're thinking this man is a lunatic, and has no idea what he’s talking about but the more you decipher what he’s telling you the more it starts the make sense, and you have to step back and look at it and say that man may throw you for an intellectual loop in his teaching but he’s far from imbecilic. He had a lot of good examples of teaching throughout the story, but he had some bad teaching thrown and in there also so i’m gonna focus on the trick before the treat. One bad example of teaching I found was teaching the boys about death and the true meaning of Halloween with the boys being at such a young age, I think that it was wrong to teach them about these topics because they are both very sensitive issues, it would have been better for them to learn about it at a later time in their lives because where they are young the spirit of going to door to door and asking food candy was soiled for them because whenever the holiday comes around they aren’t gonna wanna celebrate it because the main focus is all about mourning for the dead. …show more content…

Now for the “treat” I think there was a method behind Mound Shrouds madness he taught them the bad, but the good meant a lot more than the