Carbohydrate Athletic Performance

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Being an athlete and involved in a high endurance sport such as soccer it is very important to keep a balanced and healthy nutritional diet. Without an adequate amount of protein or carbohydrates can harm performance and take negative tolls on our bodies. Educating ourselves on the correct amount of nutrition the body properly needs to fuel energy is key to having optimal performances. Staying healthy while participating in sports is one way to outperform peers and learning how your body needs extra nutrition before and after can benefit results. This research seeks to find the benefits certain supplements take on athletes bodies during their endurance activity to help improve performance in individuals. Is protein the main …show more content…

(2004) study showed a positive correlation between performance levels during high endurance activity and found that carbohydrates ingested during exercise are beneficial in optimizing endurance performance. While looking at studies done both before, during, and after to examine the sufficient timing to consume carbohydrates to improve one's overall performance levels and reducing fatigue. Study was interesting as it read in such a chronological order of who first determined the information of carbohydrates being the number one component of an athletes diet rather than protein. With the first to recognize carbohydrates as a fuel source during exercise being Keogh and Lindhard. Then following important observations made by made by Levine el al who measured participants after the 1923 Boston Marathon and found that most runners had low blood glucose levels and were a cause of fatigue. By testing hypothesis volunteers of the same marathon participating again a year later. Recent studies found to have a positive impact on endurance capacity when carbohydrate feeding is done during the workout phase of relatively high intensity. This article helps strengthen my topic as it mentions carbohydrates being the most recent element for improving overall high endurance activity during sports and prolonged exercise. Whereas protein used to be looked at as the most beneficial component of