Career Project Analysis

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I have always been someone how if I believe in something or believe I can do something I will do. Reading these articles, it showed be that I can do it no matter how hard it gets. I’m choosing the Career Project to connect to the three articles because the Career Project has showed be a lot of what I will have to do to achieve by goal of the career I want. With William Cronon’s Only Connect article about freedom to choice was you want in your education. Is a big part that is involved in the Career Project because I am given information that I will need to do to get the education I need to get the career I want. In the Only Connect article it states, “So one very simple answer to my question is that liberally educated people have been …show more content…

In ganas article examples a lot about having the ganas to get reach your goals and not letting anything get in your way. This connects to the Career Project because during all this research on my degree and what kind of job I want. In the ganas article it says “ganas is developed within the individual; this can lead to resiliency, which helps in overcoming adverse circumstances” (Ganas,Cabrera, Lopez, and Saenz). I realized its not going to be easy and I’m going to have to work hard and study a lot to reach my goals. I know I want this so I’m going to take action to reach my goals of my educations and future job goals. With Morisano’s and Shore’s article on Goal Setting it has taught me a lot about making goals and ways to reach goals. It goes into how to successfully set a goal. In the article there is a quote “We should see potential not as potential for being good at the handful of skills and acquisitions that can be developed at or gotten from school, but as the potential for realizing the possibilities of the spirit, the potential, more specifically, for selecting from and integrating school learning and other learning into a meaningful, worthy, passionate, and satisfying life path” (Grant, 1995) (Goal

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