
Carl Jung Research Paper

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Carl Jung was known for his explanation of human nature, in which he called analytical psychology. Analytical Psychology was focused on the theory of personality. Carl Jung was once designated as Sigmund Freud’s “spiritual heir”( Schultz, P. 87) however as time went on he had many different religious viewpoints that differed from Freud’s. Jung believed the role of sexuality isn’t only defined by sex, but a more generalized psychic energy from Libido. Jung believed that influence of personality is shaped by our future and our past. He also believed that the unconsciousness played a huge role in personality. Jung believed the inherited experiences of human nature and pre-human species was important in forming ones personality.
Carl Jung was …show more content…

Jung grew up at an early age surrounded by religion. Jung’s family consisted of nine clergymen, eight of them being his uncles one being his father. Although he grew up with religious figures, he felt let down from those who were close. He sought solutions to his problems through dreams and visions. When growing up Jung was very independent, he played alone for most of his childhood. Jung strongly disliked school and preferred to devote his time to things that interested him. Carl Jung had a profound interest for reading religious and philosophical issues and disliked anything else. While in school Jung had to miss six months of schools due to a series of fainting spells. When his father began to worry about him future Jung’s fainting spells suddenly stopped, and he worked harder than he had before. He has said that this experience taught him to learn about neurotic behavior. Jung went on to work in a mental hospital, but then eventually married a wealthy woman resulting in him quitting his job at the hospital. Jung had eventually met up with Sigmund Freud to discuss their theories. Sigmund Freud got close to Jung, but Jung pulled away because of a prior homosexual encounter he faced with a father figure. Later on, Jung had a neurotic episode where he was distressed about losing contact with reality. During this time, he was able to resolve this neurosis through …show more content…

He was in a sense all over the place. However, Jung rejected Freud’s views such as Neurosis was caused by repressed sexuality, he believed that the complete loss of self-awareness is greater than sexual disturbance, he completed the libido is not the cause of neurosis, he suggested that it was something more complicated than sexual drive. Jung noticed that people who dreamed or suffered from psychotic episodes were often preoccupied with similar ideas or images. Jung separated the mind into personal unconscious and collective unconscious. Collective unconscious is the oldest part of the mind that contain the blue prints of images, ideas and images that are shared by all. Jung believed that the God concept was a primordial interest. Many of our ideas about God will be shared with other people. Carl Jung also described a patient that showed early signs of schizophrenia. Jung compared this person’s experiences to being like a person being drawn to God. This was compared to God, being the light of the world in the Christian religion. Another also talked about Archetypes. Archetypes of aspects of the self, in which the mind contains structures that produce uniform images. Myths and symbols are a result of the archetypes. Archetypes must be balanced in the psyche to make the archetype conscious. Jung believed that participating and knowing the religious

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