Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Literature Review

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CHAPTER ONE: BACKGROUND AND LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 Background Carpal tunnel syndrome is the entrapment of median nerve at the wrist. The median nerve originates from the brachial plexus at level of C5 to T1. It passes down through the midline of the arm in front of the elbow joint supplying muscles of the forearm continuing to the hand supplying the front of the thumb, the two first fingers and the lateral half of the third finger (Elsevier 2001). The symptoms in carpal tunnel syndrome include numbness, tingling, burning sensation, loss of grip strength and pain. Symptoms are more severe at night provoked by repetitive vigorous activity and prolonged wrist positioning (Ablove & Ablove 2009). Risk factors of carpal tunnel syndrome include any condition which may cause compression or decrease of nerve function within the carpal tunnel (Ablove & Ablove 2009). Conditions such as diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, amyloidosis, rheumatoid arthritis, obesity and pregnancy are commonly associated with carpal tunnel syndrome (A Khademi et al 2012). Hormonal changes and edema is the most likelihood of causing carpal tunnel syndrome in pregnancy; including gestational diabetes which slows down nerve conduction (Ablove & Ablove 2009). Some of the factors that may contribute to CTS in pregnant women may …show more content…

The pregnant women were clinically assessed for CTS symptoms and then confirmed by electro diagnostic tests. Around 75.5% complained of CTS symptoms and 44.4% were positive for Phalen’s and Tinel test while 50% were asymptomatic. 16.6% confirmed CTS electro physiologically with the highest number of CTS occurring in the third trimester including older age being associated with CTS occurrence(Shaafi Sh, Naimian Sh, Iromlou H

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