Central Cord Injury Research Paper

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Spinal cord injury (SCI) can occur as a result of either physical trauma or pre-existing conditions, such as tumour or degenerative diseases for example. Injury to the spinal cord can take place at any level and will translate into the loss of motor, sensory or autonomic function to areas of the body below the level of cord injury. ASIA is the gold standard tool used as a means of classifying the degree of impairment, allowing all health professionals to understand a universal grade once it has been implemented for each spinal patient. The grading is calculated in accordance to neurological response (grade A-E) in each dermatome as well as muscle strength on both sides of the body (MRC grading 0-5). The neurological grading is further classified …show more content…

An incomplete injury at the cervical level will invariably cause central cord syndrome. The occurrence of central cord syndrome is much higher amongst people who sustain hyperextension injury with the presence of degenerative change in the cervical spine, much like Mr X. The characteristic weakness in the arms compared to the legs is due to the pattern of lamination of the spinothalamic and corticospinal tracts being more medial to the central canal. Anterior cord syndrome is characterised by loss of pain and temperature sensation, and motor function, below the level of the injury whilst touch and proprioception are preserved. This syndrome is caused by damage inflicted to the anterior aspect of the spinal cord or as a result of decreased vascular supply. Brown-Sequard syndrome occurs in the presence of damage to one side of the spinal cord more so than the other, resulting in ipsilateral loss of motor function and sensory loss too. Posterior cord syndrome is very rare and the cause is most commonly found with chronic myelopathy resulting in loss of vibration and proprioception below the level of

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