
Statement Of Purpose: The Apology

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“The unexamined life is not worth living.” (Socrates, The Apology by Plato) What a powerful statement! As I pondered over that quotation, I examined my life and the choices I have made in my career, my personal life, and in my professional life. One decision in particular was the most life altering decision I have ever made. After being married for only one year, my husband and I were blessed to become pregnant. Ecstatic that we were chosen to be parents, we took all necessary measures to ensure the little life growing inside of me would have the best opportunities possible. I worked as a Human Resources Coordinator for a great company and I absolutely loved my job. I went to work one day and I began to feel strangely. The strange feelings I was having was that of a miscarriage. Although I had never been pregnant before I knew that, something was definitely wrong. I left work immediately and rushed over to my doctor’s office. After …show more content…

This condition could not be diagnosed; however, discovered at the sign of miscarriage. At only five months pregnant, I went into active labor! After being rushed to the hospital, I was given the option to abort the baby because there was no chance of viability that early in pregnancy or I could wait and see if preventive measures would work to prolong the inevitable. I have known some women to be in labor for ten hours, twenty-three hours, and even forty-eight hours. I say to those women, that is a walk in the park, for I was in active labor for two weeks! Yes, that is right, I went into labor at twenty-one weeks gestation and I did not deliver until twenty-four weeks and one day gestation! Did I mention that a baby is not viable until twenty-four weeks gestation? It is true! On February 2, 2006, I gave birth to Kelsi Nekole Sharkey. Kelsi weighed a whopping one- pound and 3 ounces. Kelsi stayed in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) for over two

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