Case Study: Darby Glenn Nursing And Rehabilitation Center

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: Darby Glenn Nursing and Rehabilitation center.
Address: 4787 Tremont Club Dr, Hilliard, OH -43026.
Contact: Fatou Bittaye
Date/ Time of participation: Thursday from 10 am to 12 pm (10/1,9/24,9/17,9/10,9/3) Darby Glenn Nursing and Rehabilitation center is located in the Hilliard, and is one of the very few nursing homes in Ohio who offers person centered care to the long term care or short term care residents with disabilities. They provide care to the people who are severely ill, injured, having disabilities or cannot take care of themselves. Quality nursing is the corner stone of their mission in providing care to the residents. They offer residents to select their activities which foster independent functioning and …show more content…

I believed this from my experience because just giving few hours from my routine to the residents of the nursing home, I took lot of good memories and positive experience for my new career. Service learning experience is a great way to learn psychology because it gives you a chance to observe when and how it develops throughout different age. I am thankful for this class for pushing me further to take the experience and making a difference in somebody’s life. Service learning gives you opportunity to learn about the work culture and help you to improve your personality. I am little shy person and interacting with someone is always challenging for me. On my first day of volunteer work, I was not sure how I am going to interact with people or to what level I am going to provide assistance to them, but I definitely got comfortable a lot quicker than I thought I would. The Darby Glenn nursing home staff is very friendly and helpful. They were caring each resident with respect, warmth and patience. I believed these qualities must need to work in any field to make successful career. I wish I would know the calendar for the activities so that I can participate in many different activities according to days the activity is scheduled. I would like to continue my volunteer work throughout my life because I have noticed with my own experiences how much a positive attitude can help someone. A smile and a friendly attitude can make someone’s day. I think that service learning project hours should be divided for different volunteer site. For example, child cares, preschools, persons with mental disabilities and nursing homes. Everyone should spend 2 hours with each age group, so everyone got a chance to work with different age group and observe the different concepts related to age according to book. This is my suggestion to improve service learning