For this week’s discussion I chose to write scenario 12 Nurse- Nurse. I really believe that being in preceptor’s role makes all the difference in new nurses’ life and it can also be very rewarding. By precepting we can be role models in our nursing professional. “It seems natural and obvious that all nurses, given their education, would share similar values and beliefs about patient care” (Porter-O’Grady & Malloch, 2016, p211). Preparing students and new nurses to transition from being new to the field and help them to achieve competency and proficiency is still remain concern in our hospital or work area. A lot of nurses are refusing to be a preceptors or mentors and not valuing sources of academic support. “The coaching/mentoring process provides the opportunity to continually seek open, honest, and timely feedback as well as an opportunity to share one’s experiences and wisdom” …show more content…
“Clinical practice during nursing education is important as it provides students with opportunities for reality based learning and integration of theory and practice” (Carlson, Pilhammar, & Wann-Hansson, 2010). Even though, it is time consuming to teach clinical skills to students’ nurses or orienteers in the long run we can contribute to our society and could solve the nurse to nurse ratio. Let’s face it we all were a nursing student in some point and we say good and bad preceptors. I’ve experienced both good and bad preceptors who never let me to try or practice anything whereas my good preceptors were very encouraging and reflecting their own experiences and supportive. As a preceptor myself I always make sure that my student nurses, surgical techs or new nurse orienteer are getting some encouragement, positive feedback and evaluation from me. “Precepting seemed to benefit nurses’ professional development in terms of their nursing competence and clinical skills”(Carlson, Pilhammar, & Wann-Hansson,