Catholic Church's Affect Of Our Society On Abortion

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Michelle Makuch
Mrs. Kenny
Our Society on Abortion
We all want to live life to the fullest, whether it's pursuing a career in medicine or traveling and exploring the world. But in order to be able to do so, we must strive for our best and never give up. With that being said, it is hard to live life when it is taken away from you when you haven't even opened your eyes to the world. That is exactly what happens when a mother takes away her child's life, also known as abortion. Abortion is a cruel thing that let a alone a mother but any person can do to one of God's creations, humans. Everyone should deserve a chance at life. The Catholic church does not support abortion, there are always options, and, living with the guilt. …show more content…

It is simply just killing one of God's creation. When getting an abortion, you are in a way killing the fetus. A fetus is still one of God's creations therefore it still classifies as killing a human. With that being said, abortion is breaking one of the ten commandments. The commandment that is being broken is, "Thou shall not kill". Abortion is doing exactly that, killing a fetus. Not only does it break one of the commandments, the church also believes that a mother should not be able to take away such a young child's life away when they have so much potential. They are taking away not only the gift of living life, but being open to the world and exploring everything around them. The Catholic church also believes that, even when in the mother's womb, they are truly a human child and most definitely have a connection with God. It is shown clearly in …show more content…

But there is always an option for the mother, whether she wants the baby or not. If a mother cannot provide for the baby because of money issues, there are plenty of people out there in the world who can help. It is just having the motivation to communicate with others and not being ashamed of it. However, if there are money issues and the mother does not want the baby, there are a numerous amount of foster homes for children who provide and care for them. If someone is simply just not ready for a baby (i.e. a teenager), there are many of adoption centers and there is always a family that cannot have a baby but are willing to adopt one. Lastly, if a mother just does not want a baby, then she shouldn’t have had made the commitment to being sexual active without taking the risks into consideration. Women should go on birth control pills if sexually active and do not want a child. But if it is too late then it is encouraged they deliver the baby, and again, foster homes are available for