Cause Of The Civil War Essay

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The war that caused over 620,000 deaths, more commonly known as the civil war. It was caused by seven things. Those seven causes are slavery, state rights, the Lincoln election of 1860, industry vs. agriculture, compromises and Dred Scott, secession, and bleeding Kansas/John Brown. These causes led to one of the bloodiest battles of American history. This war happened in the years 1861-1865 during the time that Abraham Lincoln was president. President Lincoln was elected just a year before the Civil War on November 6, 1860. At this time the southern states still owned slaves and they knew that Lincoln did not approve of slavery and had different opinions that the south did not like, so the states took his name off the election ballots. It was a surprise when he was declared president to …show more content…

Slavery started in 1619 when some African-Americans were shipped over to Jamestown, Virginia. It was still around 200 years later in the 1800’s until the civil war happened; but slavery is also the cause of other causes in the Civil War. The southern states moved away from the northern states because of slavery, the south also did not want Lincoln to become president because he did not approve of slavery, the south accused the north of violating the 10th amendment because they had outlawed slavery. Even after the Civil War slavery was not abolished, until the 13th amendment was passed in January of 1865. At that time slaves were used to work on cotton farms, around the house, and on plantations. Cotton farms were a big profit for the north and the south; so if slavery was abolished, the south wouldn’t have enough cotton to keep up with the north’s factories unless the free slaves were hired to work. The north didn’t have a huge need for slaves and they thought that it was unconstitutional to own slaves. In 1804 the northern states had abolished slavery and the south declared that to be a violation of the 10th

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