Causes And Effects Of The American Revolution

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When it comes to a war or revolution, placing complete and total blame on just one side is unreasonable. Both contribute to these events with their own actions. Growing up, kids in America were taught in their history classes that the British were more to blame because they were the ones who pushed the colonies into taking an action of rebellion by treating them practically as slaves. Although others might believe otherwise, I believe what we were taught was true and therefore I am taking a stance on the American side. The British would use the colonies for labor and harsh work but for nothing else. Middle class Englishmen and women took great risks to act on such harsh treatment. Although it guaranteed no actual accomplishment, jobs, or home security, Americans would do up to the impossible to achieve the one goal everyone dreams to have, freedom. …show more content…

Although a various amounts of revolutions had already occurred throughout history, the American Revolution is one that is unforgettable regarding the causes and effects of the social and economic changes that would be brought by this revolution. It was during this time that the British enforced taxes and caused many unhappy people to revolt against England. People fought for their rights, principles, and independence no mater what it cost them, making this the first modern revolution. Patrick Henry in his “Give Me Liberty” speech said, “If life is so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” Many fought hard to bring justice and civilization but some, such as Patrick Henry, would die for such a