Causes Of Industrial Revolution

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Industrial revolution is one of the most important historical phenomena in human beings ' history. It is alleged first happened in Britain in around 1700s to 1800s and then spreaded throughout the world. This paper is going to discuss the main origins, consequences of industrial revolution in Europe, how agriculture and economy aid to the emergence of industrial revolution. Besides that, this paper also applies three concepts of history including ecumenical, world and gloabal history in the rise and spread of industrial revolution. There are four key origins that lead to industrial revolution in Europe. The first main origin is large amount of materials from either Europe itself or its colonies in the Americas and India. Iron, coal are necessary …show more content…

Industrial revolution is causation of urbanization and colonial expansion, which lead to many changes in the European society. Along with the industrial revolution, a large number of factories were build attracted a huge amount of workers. In addition, technology increases efficiency of both industrial and agricultural works. In an industrial economy, proportion of agricultural contribution did not dominate in the total production 's as before; therefore, there was a requirement in mobilizing and redeploying labor from agricultural to non-agricultural works (Eric 1996, 64). Many people changed their work from agricultural to non-agricultural tasks moved to industrial regions and lead to mass migrations within a country. Big cities were established as a result of industrial revolution and played important role in production, consumption and politics (C.A. Bayly 2004, 185). One of positive influence of industrial revolution is that transportation such as railway was also developed (Eric 1996, 60). Development of transportation is important not only for the development of industrial revolution to transport materials, goods, workers, but also for the connection among different regions, which is a part of …show more content…

Since the eighteenth century, economy was carefully concered by governments and society. The idea of economic growth is so significant that a number of economists would read books and articles written by one of the most famous economists of all times Adam Smith. In addition, leaders of evey enlightened monarchy in many countries Europe gravely noticed the idea of economic growth (Eric 1996, 45). The concentration on economic growth is crucial for industrial revolution because from that idea, people start concern about accumulation of capita, which is one of the key orgins of industrial revolution. Besides economy, agriculture is required in industrial revolution because without it, three fundamental functions of industialization cannot be done. Three main functions mentioned by Hobsbawm are increasing production and productivity, providing more surplus substantial for the towns and industries and providing mechanism to add to the capital(Eric 1996, 47). In general, agriculture prepares both material and capital for the industrial revolution; therefore it is significant in the emergence and growth of