Causes Of Unemployment In South Africa

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With the many problems that the Southern African countries are going through youth unemployment is the most deep- rooted economic crisis that they are facing because of the majority of the population being below the age of 30 years. Youth unemployment remains a hurdle to the region’s development because this large number of unemployed youth indicates lost potentials by the nation that could have contributed to the growth of the economy when assessed theoretically. The limited numbers of jobs in these countries make it hard for the youth to get employment therefore year after year, after this youth graduate it means they are adding to the number of those who can’t find jobs because of saturated public services and small market and the private sector bases that are unable to employ large numbers of people and the observed discrimination by employers towards young people on the grounds of lack of experience and no vacancies because of the inflation that made some to be retrenched from work(In a 2011 news story, Business Week reported, "More than 200 million people globally are out of work, a record high, as almost two-thirds of advanced economies and half of developing countries are experiencing a slowdown in employment growth".),but the two major reasons of this high youth unemployment rate is a mismatch in the educational system (for example some re-write their o-levels not to gain technical skills but just for catch-up and also staff employed to teach them are