Chapter 11: How To Make Sure Your Soul Will End Up In Heaven

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Chapter 11:
How to make sure your soul will end up in Heaven.

There so many religions in the world today, however there are spiritual principles that apply to everybody, just like the law of gravity. No one can ever have all the answers, but if we seek, revelation and insight it can be revealed to us. As a spiritual Christian, I believe in the divinity of God the father, Jesus Christ, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. I have learned my lessons from religion and one has to be careful, in these last days. A lot of deception is out there, and we really need to open our eyes. It’s time we focus on a personal relation with God , via Jesus Christ.
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Following Religion and man, is more dangerous now that ever. A lot of so called Christians have sold out, it’s time to watch and pray, not all those who call Lord will enter the Kingdom of God. As it is written, that in the last days, even the elect will be deceived. …show more content…

We will mess up and makes mistakes, but, God is faithful and just to forgive us, when we confess our wrong doings and mistakes.
Only Jesus can save our soul, from a Christian’s point of view, not our works. (But our works of love could determine our location in heaven) However we all have the responsibility to draw near to God and He draw near to us. I wonder how many people go to the spirit world every day; the good thing is we can decide what part of the spirit world we will end up

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