Character Analysis Of Amir In 'The Kite Runner'

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Amir is an ambiguous character because of what he did in the story to one of his good friend but then later on in the story he shows some good in and I think that he really showed that he can be a good guy. What Amir has done that is bad is that he watched his best friend Hassan get rapped in the allyway and he did nothing, when he watched it happen he got scared and ran away instead of being a good friend and helping him out and protecting him. Amir was a bad friend through out the rest of the years he lived there. Hassan never wanted to talk to him anymore for what he did. I “I ran because I was a coward”(Hosseini 77). This quote has said to me is that it shows how Amir is a coward, after everything that hassan does for Amir he should