
How Does Amir Face The Truth In The Kite Runner

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It's easy to hide the truth. What’s even worse is how we cling to those lies we use. We beg for the illusion so we don’t have to face the truth. You never find yourself until you face the truth. Amir flees to America and fathom his confusion of home. Leaving and going back to Afghanistan multiple times, the ideas of the past runs through his head with guilt of family ties and Hassan’s raped. The past haunts Amir continuously and he has deals with holding in the truth and being a courage. Amir tries to flee and bury the past but realizes he must face the past he left behind in Kabul; until he faces the truth about himself, his emotional growth will be stunted. Kabul, Afghanistan in 1963 was the home of Amir. Kabul was filled with Afghan traditions and had interests of western culture of literature and movies. Amir’s homeland had thriving Afghans and the country was functioning well. Amir is blinded by his childhood as he was wealthy and fortunate. Amir grew up in a house where he would say, “Everyone has agreed that my father, my Baba, had built the most beautiful house in the Wazir Akbar Khan …show more content…

Trying to adopt bring his nephew, Sohrab, back to America, he would does anything in his power to go through with this situation. Frustrated at the man at the adoption center Amir says, “They ought to put someone in your chair who knows what it’s like to want a child.” (Hosseini, 331) Amir expresses his power to speak his mind which we have not seen in the past. As he says ‘to want a child” indicates that he is not afraid of the challenge of taking Sohrab to America. Before Amir brings Sohrab to America, he has to tell Sohrab the truth about his father. Amir uttered, “Your father and I were brothers… Half-brothers, really. We had the same father.” (Hosseini, 322) This was a priority for Amir because he was tired of hiding the truth and Sohrab deserved the truth. Amir has grown. Amir and Sohrab are now in America

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