
What Is The Biggest Impact On Paul In Edward Bloor's Tangerine

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According to Stephen R. Covey, “While we are free to choose our choices, we are not free to choose the consequence of our actions.” In the book Tangerine, by Edward Bloor, a boy named Paul Fisher moves to Tangerine, Florida and tries to find out how he lost his peripheral vision. A choice can have a positive or negative impact on people’s lives and the character's choice that had the biggest impact on Paul was when Luis stood up to Erik at the football field. This had the biggest impact on Paul because first of all, it gave Paul the courage to tell the police what Erik had done to Luis. Secondly, it made Erik kill Luis which sent him to jail. Lastly, it makes Paul brave and not afraid of things anymore. First of all, the choice that …show more content…

On page 299 of Tangerine it states, “Dad had to take Erik down police station.” This Impacted Paul because when people are justly dealt with it give you a sense of security and Erik was justly dealt with so Paul should feel a sense of security. On page 302 of Tangerine it states, “And as Antoine Thomas told me, ‘the truth shall set you free.’” This means that Paul is free because he told the truth about Erik. In addition to Luiz standing up to Erik, Erik killed Luiz which got Erick sent to jail and made Paul free of Erik. Lastly, it makes Paul brave and not afraid of things anymore. On page 261 of Tangerine it states, “I’m not afraid of you, Erik…” Ever since Luis stood up to Erik, Paul was not afraid of Erik anymore. On page 262 of Tangerine it states, “I took a step forward” This means Paul is brave because you have to be brave to be able to come closer to a person that wants to hurt. In addition to Luis standing up to Erik, Paul became brave and not afraid of Erik so he faced Erik, himself. The character's choice choice that had the biggest impact on Paul was when Luis stood up to Erik. Ever since Luiz made that choice it turned Paul from a shy person to a confident person. According to Tangerine, if you make a serious choice you get a serious consequence from

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