Aisha Suleiman Ms. Tillman English 7 1/23/23 Different Environments Cause Different Habits In The Outsiders, as we can see, the greasers and Socs are very different, and one of these reasons is because of their environment. Three ways we can see the effects of the environment on the greasers are how they wear the same 1 dirty articles of clothing, 2 they have more cautious and secretive behaviors, and how 3 they’re left to grow up on their own. The greasers and Socs are shown as 2 different groups of people who live in 2 different parts of town. The town is split into 2; the poor side and the rich side. And as seen, the greasers are from the poor side. The greasers are shown to wear the same clothes which may be because washing clothes are expensive and when on a budget, you may put washing clothes aside. 1 Another thing is that most greasers have grown up in harsh household environments, an example of these harsh environments is parents who abuse certain substances to help deal with …show more content…
In the book, it showed how when Johnny had gotten jumped, he was just playing with his football, and then a car from Socs pulled over and jumped Johnny. The greasers do nothing to the Socs, yet the fact that they’re different drives them to show their dominance and maybe keep the greasers in their place. Here’s a quote from the book that proves that: “Anyway, I went on walking home, thinking about the movie, then suddenly wishing I had some company. Greasers can walk alone too much or they’d get jumped…,” - Ponyboy, page 2 And for the Socs, because the Socs grew up in richer and safer neighborhoods some habits and traits of greasers aren’t proceeded as normal. Like when Socs, such as the girl in PB’s class, saw his switchblade, she was shocked because she had grown up in an environment where things like that weren’t normal. And she shouted; “You are a