Charlotte Danielson's Framework For Evaluating Teachers

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The goal of the business of education has always been student success (O’Pry & Schumacher, 2012). Teacher evaluations and student academic success are important topics in the field of education. Some leaders in Education believe teachers are the most important factor in student success. Inspired by the No Child Left Behind and the Federal Race to the Top competition, states and districts across the country have revamped outdated evaluation systems (TNTP, 2010). Within the research various stances are taken about the measures used to evaluate teachers. Standards-based teacher evaluation represents one strategy for both improving instruction and complying with the expectations of external stakeholders that teachers be held accountable for their performance (Milanowski, Kimball & White, 2004).
The federal government’s policies of No Child Left Behind and Race to the Top encouraged school districts to change their way of assessing teachers to improve teacher effectiveness and student achievement. The majority of states that won the Race to the Top grants worked hard to implement the expectations of the grant. The teacher evaluation models impacts thousands of teachers in how they are evaluated and how they will either be promoted, …show more content…

The measure is comprised of four domains, with 22 components that is based on best practices for teacher effectiveness. According to Danielson (2011), The Framework may be used as the foundation of a school or district’s mentoring, coaching, professional development, and teacher evaluation processes, thus linking all those activities together and helping teachers become more thoughtful practitioners. However, we know that many districts use either the Danielson framework or an instrument based on the model for their summative teacher evaluation