
Charter Schools Vs Private Schools

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There are many problems in the K-12 School districts. Some of the main problems in the school districts is how schools receive funding, private and charter schools taking additional funding, and how the money is spent unnecessarily. The lack of responsible spending affects the children’s learning abilities. Lack of funding makes it harder for teachers and administration to be able to do their job.
How we receive funding each year ranges for many different reasons across the country. In our school district, we receive funding based on our enrollment. We receive funding from federal, state funding and tax credit avenues. Federal funding can come for title schools and grants. State funding is based on a per student amount set by the state legislature. …show more content…

Both private and charter schools affect the public schools by less funding because of the number of students who are not attending the public schools. As the number of charter and private schools increase in our District, the increase of the children in our boundaries follows. The effect is monumental as the money the District will receive will continue to lessen each year.The more charter and private schools in the area will continue to decrease the amount of funding each school receives and eventually end up closing schools. Funding in schools is used for a variety of items, but is sometimes mismanaged. I feel better saying management and accountability for how the money spent is the best way to properly utilize whatever funds we receive. Leading by example in money management would benefit all the staff, teachers, administration and even the students. Managing how money is spent will help the ability to spend money on well needed items for …show more content…

A limit in government spending is one of the benefits mentioned. Schools run as private businesses are often not able to receive the same funding as public schools. Schools need a solid amount of funding in order to properly run. They should be run as private businesses and should definitely make a profit in order continue to run the schools at a proper level. Throwing money at something is no guarantee for success, but giving schools the ability to better their schools certainly helps. From attracting more qualified teachers to adding up to date technology, schools need money. There are many things that adding funding will affect. Supporters pointed out that without the funds, many teachers and school admin would be laid off, programs would be cut, and students’ education would suffer. For many schools, the federal funds were a dire necessary item to mandate that the U.S. Educational System did not endure a staggering blow at a time of economic crisis in the country and add numbers of unemployed teachers to an unending job market. Laying off teachers and other administration only makes the situation worse. Funding is a dire need for schools across the country. Schools should not be desperate for money and supplies. Kids education is hurt because of the constant need. We should not be jeopardizing our children's education in order to waste money in other

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