
Essay On Oklahoma City Education

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In Oklahoma city , school funding is a very important issue that must be solved. Oklahoma city, has the highest perectage in the nation. We rank #1 with -23.6% on the list. For example many students have to keep their books together with duct tape because the pages fall out. Almsot 800 vacant spots for teachers in Oklahoma, and no one to fill those spots. We also struggle to hire replacements so that students dont lose the learning they have done that semster. The reason for this is because teachers dont get enough pay. Many teachers have familys to support , children to feed and some teachers actually buy school supplies for the students in need. If we actually changed the way schools become funded or where the money actually went to then …show more content…

This solution will help schools have better school years and a better environment for all the students to actually study in. Many students who will be competeing in the games will have to be athletic. Students who want to join in the games have to be physically fit and capable of doing the activitys given in thw competion. The students will be more motivated in having more cool and better things for the school. If the school is better and the students actually want to go to school then the attendence will become way better. If the attendence is 100% then the students grades will reach all the way to the roof. The graduating students per year will increase and more students will feel motivated to graduate and go to college and succeed in life. Meanwhile the schools without alot of funding will actually apprectiate the funding and not take it for advanatge. Every student would want to study and get good grades and be rewarded then slack during class and fail. The more pay for teachers mean teachers are actualling wanting to be there and educating the nations next generation. The teachers will focus on schools and test scores then worrying about there basic needs a perons

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