
Why Do Oklahoma Public Schools Need Budget Cuts?

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Oklahoma City Public School Funding How much more can the Oklahoma Public School system take in budget cuts? The Oklahoma Public School system has endured several major budget cuts in the recent years. This has been a state-wide crisis for our public schools. Recently, Oklahoma City Public Schools announced cuts of up to $10 million (Fultonberg). The cuts have mainly affected teachers, class sizes, and school activities. Firstly, our teachers are the key aspect of creating a good foundation in our children’s minds. They help form learning bonds and distinguish each way a child learns. It is important to make each teacher feel needed and appreciated appropriately. Teachers have lives just like any other person does outside of their employment. The recent Oklahoma budget cuts were partially aimed at teachers of the OKC public school system (Fultonberg). Some are getting fired due to not enough funding, some are receiving pay cuts to their salaries. We all have bills to pay each month, and they are no different. They cannot stay with an employer who is not giving out pay increases or is issuing out decreases. This should be one of the first concerns in deciding where the next cuts will be coming from. …show more content…

Therefore, making the class larger and more difficult to teach. As a result, there is less time for the teachers to spend one-on-one time with each child. A larger class presents more distractions for the classmates. It makes it ten times harder to focus on the curriculum. Students in larger class sizes are often less engaged in classroom activities. At times, a larger classroom is more difficult to control. Classmates can get carried away with their voices during class discussions, and the teacher may have trouble getting the class to settle

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