Texas Teachers Salary Essay

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Dear Texas State Legislative,
As a student who has lived in Texas her whole life and has been in Texas public schools, I have noticed the recent drop in available teachers for Texas schools. There have been many teacher shortages all across the state making it very difficult for children such as me to learn and be able to put forth the knowledge into everyday life. The reason we have such a teacher shortage is due to the fact that the teacher's pay doesn’t or barely supports themselves and/or their families. The average cost of living is about $45,000 a year, while some teachers are only making about $27,000 a year. In the last year, teachers have had a pay raise of about $300, that's it. That was in 2022, teachers needed a better pay raise, …show more content…

Yeah, it doesn’t sound like much huh? These teachers are making less than a dishwasher/cook at Mcdonald's. Considering teachers are the reason the planet is educated enough to function and they don’t make more or even the same amount of money as a job that requires no college education and very little skill is sad. Teachers should be paid more than they are making.
To address this situation, I propose that teachers should get paid the amount of $70,000 per year. I believe that paying teachers this amount will provide students with a better education. Although this solution doesn’t guarantee that students will get the best education possible, it still provides students with the opportunity to have a better education and better teachers. Teachers will also benefit from this pay increase as they will have a better income. This solution will effectively improve both the teachers' livelihood and students' …show more content…

It is no surprise that the past few years it has been difficult to get the appropriate amount of teachers for school. There are people turning away from the teaching field as an option due to the little amount of income it provides. Even teachers who have been teaching are dissatisfied with their job due to the multiple jobs they have to take on in order to pay their bills. However with this pay increase, teachers will want to continue their teaching careers. A school can’t be run without its teachers and this pay increase provides the school with the teachers they need. This money can be used to help improve our schools