Persuasive Essay: Tax Money For The Future

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Money for the Future
Tax money can be used for health funds, education funds, or military funds. One way most people encourage is putting that money towards education. This would allow for a raise for teachers, a raise in state’s education rankings, and helping education build the future of our country. All of these are desperately needed and giving our tax dollars to education would greatly influence our education system.
Many educators need a raise. They have tough jobs that require spending their own money to ensure students have fun in school. Their salaries hardly ever increase, no matter how long they teach. A teacher who has taught for 10 years makes around $5,000 more than a first year teacher. Their jobs not only require them to teach and carefully plan what they are to teach, but to also care for hundreds of children who are not theirs. Parents do not give teachers the credit they often need for spending a full day educating and taking care of their children. They need the raise because most teachers have debt from college, and make just enough money to qualify for food stamps. They chose the profession out of a love for teaching and should be rewarded. …show more content…

The money can allow public schools to get out of the budget crisis they are in and employ new technology into school. This new technology can increase the students’ excitement and interest in school. When the funds begin to grow, more college students will become interested in teaching. Teachers are desperately needed, but not available because of pay. Almost all college students graduate with debt from student loans, and being a teacher will not help them pay those loans off. Teachers and students will become more interested in education when they can have fun learning and