Cherokee Intership Narrative

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Recently I have heard the Cherokee ledged of two wolves. In this story a grandfather tells his grandson that every one has two wolves inside them that are always in constant battle with each other. One from the light which represents hope, self esteem, courage and faith. The other is from the dark side which represents depression, fear, anger and guilt. The grandson asks the grandfather which one wins and the grandfather simply replies it is the one you feed. This past fall I finished my internship for my bachelor of education. It was an awful experience and it is through the lens of this story that I was able to start to come to terms with how I fell towards it. It helped me realize that by continuing to allow the negative memories of past to rule my life I was essentially killing all of the good and positive things about myself while feeding the monster that threated to pull me into a downward spin. …show more content…

My coop also ran a local real estate business so she had very little time to mentor a student teacher. Despite my coop having requested an intern to mentor she used me as a way to get more time to work on her real estate career, even leaving me alone on my very first day to meet with a client. In many ways I felt my co-op was setting me up to fail. I could ask questions or ask for advice but these inquiries were always met with the response of “you need to figure it out for your self” or “it is not my job to help you with this because you should have learned it at