Chief Warrant Officer Interview Essay

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Chief warrant officers are the Army’s technical experts in their respected field expressed by SPC (Behringer). Chief Rhodes is a maintenance technical expert he specializes in all maintenance. For example, he supervises us the mechanics, supply, and the fuelers. If one of his soldiers does not know what to do and we cannot find the answer by the chain of command we go to him and he will give us the explanation and proper guidance.

As a female soldier in the California National Guard pursuing it as a career is a tough job. I became inspired and more motivated to pursue my career in the guard by an officer not just any officer. Meeting my warrant officer Chief Warrant Officer Two Kevin C. Rhodes he started from the bottom from basic training as just a private sharing his thoughts, and going to his first deployment, and as his career went he also was involved in the la riot; Chief Rhodes served 19 years before he decided to do WOC warrant officer candidate school and continues to love the military. …show more content…

All that was going through my head was do not mess up Valencia we were standing outside in the rain I began my interview. My first question was the simplest question, and I asked chief, “How old were you when you enlist and why did you enlist, “after a few minutes in deep thought he responded, “I was 17 when I enlisted on a delayed entry program in November 1985. I didn't ship off to basic until I was 18.” As the interview went on the explained to me that he went to Fort Jackson, South Carolina for both basic training and school. Chief was just a private no rank when entering basic

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