Child Abuse: Preventive Technology

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Child Abuse: Preventive Technology
In the growing era of technology, problems arise as the innovations increase. With the world at our fingertips it is hard to censor and protect the information that can be shared. In many cases, children become the victims of online solicitation. Various methods are being conducted in order to intercept and prevent these situations. Some examples are: police intervention, Internet Service Providers, and a variety of computer software.
Review of Selected Research
One method that Mitchell, Wolak, and Finkelhor (2005) look into are the prevention internet solicitations. Child predators take advantage of the inconspicuousness to pose in an appealing manner to young boys and girls. They deceive the children enough …show more content…

Dombrowski, LeMasney, Ahia, and Dickson (2004) discuss a few of them. The installation of firewalls and antiviruses are important foundations to the child’s protection. Firewalls create a barrier that prevent third parties from entering and controlling the computer. Antiviruses keep the computer safe from being infiltrated with Trojan Horses or worm viruses. Encryption is another option, but the problem with it is that if the user would like to send or share files with another, the recipient also needs to have encryption capabilities. Privacy filtration is another way of having control over the transmission of content between the children and the internet. It essentially blocks a third party from viewing any personal information and can also block any pop ups that could include unwanted content. Parents are also encouraged to monitor the browsing of their children by looking at the websites they have visited in the history tab. A key logger can be installed; this software stores all the characters that have been used on the machine. In essence, it is a history tab for the keyboard. A similar computer software is a chat logger, this monitors what has been sent via instant messaging. While all these technological methods are useful Dombrowski et al. (2004) states that they should go hand in hand with a psychoeducational aspect. Children should be taught about potential harms and how to properly use the