Child Health Interaction Model

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Child health assessment and interaction model is developed to assess the mother –infant interaction with the environment. Toddlers’ behavior is influenced by the caregivers and the environment in which they live. Here this model is used to assess the behavioral problems of toddlers. Positive aspects in the interaction of child ,caregiver and environment such as availability of grand parents to look after the child, adequate family income, ability to interact with children of same age group and neighbors produces healthy and growth promoting behavior in the child whereas negative aspects like care by nonparents, attending day care or play school ,congested home or day care environment , health problems of caregiver result in unhealthy or growth …show more content…

Nurses utilize various theories such as Self care deficit theory, Newman’s systems theory and Pender’s health promotion model based on the study variables. Child health assessment interaction model is used to assess the primary relationship between the mother and child, specifically designed for children below three years of age. Children learn through daily experiences based on the support they received at the time of distress. A child’s experience is characterized by getting the help needed when distressed; develop trust needed to move on to further developmental challenges. If the child experiences any negative emotions it may result in behavior problems. Here the study subjects are toddlers this model the best suits for the study.
Child health assessment interaction model
Child health assessment interaction model” (CHAIM) was developed by Kathryn E Barnard in the year 1994. It is mainly used to assess the primary relationship between mother and child. Children learn through daily experiences based on the help they received during stressful situations. A child, whose experience is characterized by getting the help needed when distressed, develops the trust needed to move on to further developmental challenges. This model explains about the interaction of caregiver, environment and child and its effects on child’s behavior
Figure 1: Child health assessment …show more content…

Child is assessed based on the demographic variables and behavioral problems. Demographic variables assessed are gender, birth order of the child, number of siblings, birth weight of the child and physical disability of he child. Behavioral problems include tantrum behaviors, bedtime resistance, fighting with parents and siblings, negativism, destroy toys and other objects and screaming. Certain demographic variables such as low birth weight, decreased spacing between siblings, and physical disability of the child may trigger behavioral problems in