Childfree By Kelly Welch Summary

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In the article "Childfree" by Choice by Kelly Welch, is about how women and men choose to not have children. Welch gives examples why singles, and couples may opt not to have children. Across the world there are different viewpoints on why people have chosen to remain childfree. It is reported in Welch's article that the childfree choice is a growing trend in the U.S. There are many factors why women and men have made this decision such as they may lack parental instincts, may not want to sacrifice freedom, and experience medical problems. Having a child comes with a lot of responsibility, commitment, and some type of parental instinct. Some women and men feel as if they do not have emotional bond to children. In Welch Which is all some reason why they choose not to have a child, because they do not want to give up these privileges. In the passage Welch presents the four categories that Baum researched one category is emotional it states, "some women who choose not to become mothers have no "maternal instincts"; these women report that they have no emotional connection feelings toward babies or children" (Welch pg. 282). Women and men may feel this way and opt out of parenthood because they seem unfit. …show more content…

Some conditions prevent women and men to become unfertile and prevents a child from being conceived. Such as polycystic ovaries which is where small cyst form in the ovaries causing various complications one being infertility. For other cases there could be the idea of genetic disorders and simply do not want to pass it on. In the article Welch explains " a close friend of mine desperately desired to be a mother but because she is a genetic carrier of an always fatal type of muscular dystrophy, she opted to remain childless" (Welch pg. 282). Many like her friend feel this way, people don't want to think they are the reason for their child