
Childhood Obesity Persuasive Essay

668 Words3 Pages

Isidore E. Sharpe
Professor Kenneth Yelverton
SSC – 101
May 4, 2016
Greece and Italy currently has the highest number of childhood obesity, and the United States is following closely behind. Childhood obesity was on the rise in the United States until Barack Obama went into office. As the Obama’s were in office, they begin to make the necessary adjustments to lower the number of obesity. First Lady Michelle Obama’s plan to turn around childhood obesity was named Let’s Move. The Let’s Move movement was geared to have a healthier generation of children. Let’s Move was put into place in March 2011, she has created several changes since 2011. The movement also helps families to create a healthy lifestyle oppose to eating greasy and fast foods. …show more content…

McDonalds now features a healthier happy meal for children. The new and improved happy meal side items include a small size of fries, a fruit and a drink. First Lady Michelle Obama implemented these ideas because she wants the happy meal to have fewer calories to reduce the number of children who are facing obesity. In a statement, First Lady Michelle said “I’ve always said that everyone has a role to play in making America healthier, and these are positive steps toward the goal of solving the problem of childhood obesity (Kindelan).”
Childhood obesity is a growing issues especially with the technological advances occurring. As technology begin to grow, children are no longer active as they use to be. In the early 2000s during the summer you could find children outside playing, enjoying one another company now it’s the complete opposite. Children are no longer outside but rather inside sitting in front of a television, laptop, or tablet.
There are many negative consequences of childhood obesity. Childhood obesity can result in a child have diabetes. Diabetes is one of the leading deaths in the United States. Twenty-nine million individuals in the United States that have diabetes. Diabetes is being diagnosed every day, and the numbers are increasing. African Americans are one of the main races who are faced with diabetes due to unhealthy eating

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