Title: 1 In 2 Kids Will Be Obese By Age 35 — Here's Why Doctors Are To Blame
Category: Health
Tags: fat shaming, obesity epidemic, weight bias, weight stigma, weight bullying
Teaser: Is your doctor motivating your child to lose weight or fat-shaming them?
By the time your child reaches their mid-30s there’s good chance they’ll be obese. And while experts agree that lack of exercise and poor nutrition are the key to obesity, there’s could be another factor. Could doctors be to blame? More precisely, are doctors actually encouraging weight gain by using biased fat-shaming words to “motivate” patients?
Child obesity rises dramatically
Childhood obesity is a serious problem in the U.S. says the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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obesity epidemic. The obesity epidemic has been well-documented in children and adults. However, less is known about the long-term risks facing obese children as they reach adulthood.
Most American kids will grow up obese
The study published in the New England Journal of Medicine actually pooled height and weight data from five studies, which included about 41,500 children and adults. Through a computer simulation, researchers created 1 million "virtual" children up to the age of 19, living in the year 2016. They then projected their growth in height and weight up to the age of 35 years.
Researcher found that the majority of children growing up in America today will be obese by their mid-30s. And that childhood obesity will continue to be a major health problem in the U.S. That’s “sobering” said lead author, Zachary Ward.
But are doctors doing enough to help treat the obesity epidemic? An epidemic that not only increases the risk of heart disease and diabetes, but one that can shorten life expectancy by eight years? Well, when it comes to treating their overweight patients America’s doctors may actually be encouraging weight