Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: Article Analysis

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The Journal Article is about School-Aged Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. There has been said to be an increasing number of children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. (Paynter, 2015). 1 in 200 children have been assessed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Many of these children can be assessed for this type of disorder. Types of topics that can be assessed are intellectual impairments, eligibility for support, and the monitoring of progress. The article deals with challenges for assessment, strategies to choose and prepare and a complete standardized assessment. The assessment is asked to compare the child’s behavior during the assessments to children their age that you have observed in similar situations. The assessment was developed …show more content…

Other disorders that may be common to a child with autism is mood disorders, anxiety disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorders, and depressive disorders. ranging between 70-95% of adolescents. Children may be tested for attention span and instructions they are given to complete. It is also stated that seeing how a child can see the picture as a whole can determine difficulties in intellect. Instructions such as asking them where a certain place is, or where a certain item might go. Other things that might be considered are identifying language or behavior problems. The assessment helps understands the types of strengths and needs a child might need. The article is a completion of standardized assessments with school aged children. Autism Spectrum Disorders are a severity of impairments in the community. Somethings like Social interaction, repetitive behaviors, interests and activities can help in identifying these types of children with Autism Disorders. Biases towards processing can be challenging behaviors, aggression towards others, non-compliance and difficulties with emotions. Many things can be considered for choosing a valid …show more content…

Factors. The Stanford Binet is an Intelligence Scale. It is an administered intelligence test that is used to diagnose developmental or intellectual deficiencies in young children. The test uses factors such as verbal and nonverbal subtests. The Stanford Binet measures five factors consisting of knowledge, quantitative reasoning, visual spatial processing, working memory, and fluid reasoning. The test was first developed in France, then was revised by the United States. The French took the test as method of identifying “slow” Children and placed them in special education programs.
The Weschlers Intelligence Scale for children is said to be used in the article for helping the assessment for a child with Autism. It is said that it may range from the ages of 6-8. The Weschler scale is also used and administered individually for children that can be completed without reading or writing.(Weschler Scale of Intelligence, 2015) There is said to be a current version of the WISC-V that takes a time between 48-56 minutes of completion. This type of test can produce an IQ determining a child’s intellectual