China's One Child Policy Dbq Analysis

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China’s One-Child Policy China’s One-Child Policy not helping China’s population decrease. The One-Child Policy was a good idea at first but then ending up backfiring on China. China is the most populated country in the world so the One-Child Policy may have seemed good but really made things the same if not worse. China’s One-Child Policy was not a good idea to try and decrease the fertility rate in China. China’s One Child Policy was created in order to tone down the fertility rate because China feared they weren’t going to be able to have the resources for the amount of people they were going to having in the future. One atrocious outcome from the One-Child Policy was the shortage of food they had. “China’s Great Leap Forward, included a program to build backyard furnaces for making steel”. The problem with this was that since they replaced farms with furnaces they faced a high amount of food shortages. Thus causing a famine that killed about 30 million people. This made Communist Mao Zedong change his mind about population growth. …show more content…

This was a great and efficient idea that helped out China. Even though they cut their fertility rates in half with this method, the Communist officials still feared that their population growth was still at a rapid rate. The Communist came up with an idea that they thought was going to solve everything. Finally making the One-Child Policy which ended up backfiring on

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